But I still love handy tools to make my job easier. And that’s why I’m happy to share these handy cooking conversion charts. It’s always hard to include every possible need that may come along, but I’ve put together these three charts to help those truly new to the idea of cooking from scratch. Use this cooking conversion tool to help you convert between units commonly referenced in cooking recipes (cups, ounces, grams, kilograms, teaspoons, tablespoons and more). For conversions between units of weight and volume, a list of ingredient density approximations is included.
Enter in the value you want to convert and then select what unit you want to convert to. This tool allows you to quickly convert between:
teaspoons, tablespoons, cups and ml
fluid ounces, cup, teacups, shots, glasses and wine glasses
gallons and liters
pounds and kilograms
calories and kilojoules
Cooking Measurement Conversion
Common conversions used in the kitchen. Check out our Conversion Software for Windows. Can't find something? Try searching. Are you bored? Try the Fun Stuff. Was this site helpful? Volume conversions are an important step when doubling or halving a recipe. Use this complete chart converting between ounces, cups, pints, and quarts. Conversion Charts For Cooking and Baking How to Measure and Use Dried Beans Easily Convert Culinary Measurements With This Handy Reference Table.
Cooking Conversion Chart
Here is a convenient conversion chart. You can also click on this image for a larger version. And we have also included HTML table versions of the data below.