Dev C++ Packages
Nov 10, 2016 DEV-C for Windows contains all standard features necessary for creating, fixing, and executing programs written in C program languages. As C is an object-oriented expansion of C, it also supports earlier versions of the language. Mar 11, 2015 Sublime Text Packages for C/C C Starting Kit - This plugin covers C, C and C 11 with enhanced syntax highlighting supporting all the latest standards. It also includes customizable syntax definition for C code facilitating fine-tuning the highlighting for the personalized environment.
C++ graphics programming
Dev C++ Win10
Perhaps, the capacity of C++ to perform fast graphics display has contributed to the popularity of C++ in graphics and game programming. In this section, you will learn basic C++ graphics programming. This part is a good place to start learning graphics programming with C++. I also guide you to the process of installing graphics library and header files of freeglut package: Download here
Installing and configuring freeglut library and header files
Before you can write C++ code to display graphics on the screen, you need to install and configure graphics libraries and header files that C++ compiler can understand. freeglut package is a popular package that provides these libraries and header files. freeglut is an open source alternative to the GLUT toolkit (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) library that is a software interface to graphics harware. It can be used to produce colors images of moving, two and three-dimensional objects. After you download the freeglut package in zip format, unzip it in a proper place that you can find it. Then do the followings:
-Copy freeglut.dll file to Window System32 folder
-Copy all header files from freeglut/include/GL to include/GL folder of Dev-C++ compiler
-Copy libfreeglut.a file from freeglut/lib to lib folder of Dev-C++ compiler
-Open Dev-C++ window editor and create a new C++ project(Console Application)
-Open Project Option by pressing Alt+p
-In Linker box of Parameters, you need to add the following library files:
You my find these two files in lib folder of Dev-C++ compiler
-Click Ok to save change
Now you are ready to start your first graphic program. Copy and paste the following code to your project:
#include <GL/freeglut.h>
using namespace std;
void showme(void);
void dis();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glOrtho(-1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2);
return 0;
//--- showme
void showme(void)
void setup()
Traktor pro loop length 128. Traktor offers two methods to shorten a loop. The standard method moves the Loop Out point. However, you can move the Loop In point too, which can be more appropriate in some circumstances. This Traktor Bible mini tutorial shows how it works.
You need to include the freeglut.h file to your program by writing #include <GL/freeglut.h>. The glutInit() command initializes GLUT and processes any command-line argument. It should be called before other commands. glutInitDisplayModecommand specifies the color mode (ARGB or index-color) or buffer mode (single or double -buffer) to use. The glutInitWindowSize command specifies the size, in pixel, of the working window. The glOrtho command specifies the coordinate system to draw the images. The glutCreateWindow creates a window with OpenGL context. The window is not yet displayed until the glutMainLoop command. The glClearColor command specifies clearing color. The glClear actually clears the window to a specified color. With the glutDisplayFunc command you can specify objects to display on the window. The glutSwapBuffers command waits until the previous an next buffer completely displayed.